Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This is Jasmine's new baby cousin, Andrew. He was born on January 15th.
Daddy and Jasmine.
This is my niece, Zoe, with her new brother, Andrew, and of course Jasmine and me!
Me after my LASIK surgery. I had to wear those funky goggles for the first 24 hours. Now my vision is perfect! I love it. That was Johnny's birthday present to me for my 29th birthday.
Our little princess. Need I say more?
I guess she got too tired to finish her dinner! I had to take a picture. It was so darn cute!
Just chillin'! That couch is the perfect size for her. She loves it!

Friday, February 13, 2009

What's been going on in our little household.

It has been far too long since we posted anything on here. I would post some pics, but unfortunately, they are all on Johnny's computer, not mine, so I'll just have to type instead.

We had a great Christmas and Jasmine got lots of neat presents. She loves her little couch that Santa got her and I had her help me in the kitchen making cookies for Santa. It was very fun. I got a karaoke machine, and I can't pull it out without Jasmine wanting to sing also. She loves to sing with mommy. It's very cute. We spent time with family and had a great old time.

She has lots of fun with her cousins and she loves her grandparents. She's always asking, "Mama, Papa?" (That's how she says Grandma and Grandpa. She calls me "Mommy" so it's not that confusing.) I think that's her way of asking if we are going to see them that day. My sister just had a baby and they named him Andrew. He is a cutie. Johnny has taken pictures of Jasmine holding him-which I will try to remember to post later. She loves to hold Andrew, which is another indication to me that she is ready for a sibling. I'm hoping news on that will be positive.

Johnny's parents have come home. They got home on January 22nd. The reunion was tearful for many. We met them at the airport, and later we had a huge family dinner. It was great. Jasmine took a little bit to reacquaint herself with them, but she sure enjoys them now. Just a reminder to everyone, this adoption would not have been possible had it not have been for them. They were the ones who found her for us, and they were even her foster parents for 7 months while we were finishing everything up to be able to go over there, and they helped in other ways as well. They were a very important factor in the whole thing. I appreciate them so very much.

My birthday was in January, and Johnny's main present to me was LASIK for my eyes! I cried when he told me that. I got the surgery done on January 5th. My vision has been very good since then! I love not needing my glasses or contacts anymore! It's great to wake up and see right off the bat! One other thing about that is Jasmine frequently looks at me and says, "Pretty eyes." I love that! It's so sweet! She has been such a great blessing in our lives. Everyone just loves her to pieces. She stops crowds because people can't believe that she's so tiny and can walk. (Not to mention her very cute factor.) People always want to hold her, and at first she would go to just about everyone-which was a bit scary for me-but she's now not quite so willing to go to strangers, which I have to admit, makes me feel a bit better!

She is a busy body and she is very mischievous. She loves to pull our movies out and they get strewn about our living room floor. She's so funny, because we will tell her "no, no, no" and she's now started saying that back. Now when I tell her to not play with the movies, she looks at me and shakes her finger-an action she came up with on her own!-and says, "No, no, no?" It's really hard to stay mad at her for very long when she is so darn cute!

I don't really have much else to say, I just thought I'd update our blog a bit, since we haven't posted anything for a while. I will post some pictures soon.