Friday, November 7, 2008

Sleeping Little One

Is there anything sweeter than a baby sleeping on your lap? I don't think so! Especially this baby. Being a mom is so great! I couldn't be happier.
In fact, I'm so happy with it, we are trying again! I went to a doctor yesterday to see about getting pregnant again. I have high hopes. He sounds like he knows what he's doing, so I'm excited about it. Jasmine is very well adjusted and so I think she could handle a sibling, and if there is succes, there will be nine months for her to get used to it!

Isn't that cute? She is the sweetest little one. I couldn't have got a better kid. Everyone loves her. She really draws a crowd! Everywhere I go someone stops me to ask how old she is. They can't believe that someone so little is walking, and when I tell them she's 2, they are amazed. People think she should only be about 6 months! We've had her home for 4 months now and so we are 2 months away from getting the adoption finalized. I am really looking forward to that. That will be a great day. We're going to wait for Mom & Dad Laing to get back from Thailand first, so that they can be a part of that. (It's only fair, since they are the one's that found her.) Luckily they will be back toward the end of January, so we won't have to wait long. Plus, it will give us time to finish with the preliminary stuff after the 6 month post placement. It will be good.


Andrea (Annie) said...

What a fun blog you guys have! So happy to see pictures of sweet little Jasmine. She is a doll! Hope you are all well and happy. Thanks for calling today, Kindra. Good luck with everything! Take care.


Ahhhhh... sighs of happiness and excitement for your family!! Can't wait to see you again! I think Jasmine made an adorable kitty. I'm hopeful for success for you as you're working on bringing a new sibling into the mix! Keep me updated! Jasmine will be a fantastic sister- and you make a fantastic mom. I agree, life just doesn't get much better than being a mom. It's so great that we both are mothers now after our years of hoping and waiting for this special gift it's so easy to rejoice.=)